We are grateful to Gary @ heart magic, who has worked with us since the begining!

The following comes from Gary's Distillation site.:

Maintaining the entire biocontainer at exactly boiling temperature (100c) during production is very important for obtaining maximum quality and quantity of both essential oil and hydrosol. For big systems this usually isn't practical. Big remote steam-fed bio-chambers are usually just sitting out in open air, which by definition allows their walls to be cooled by that air, so some water condensation on the inside of those walls is always going to occur.

Any water that ends up in the biocontainer robs you of potential hydrosol, and also renders any biomaterial it comes in contact with undistillable, and the biomass touching the chamber walls may not get properly distilled at all.
It's a difficult problem... insulating the biocontainer is an answer, but costly and physically cumbersome. Also, in large steam-fed distillers that use separate steam generators, there a continual dance of controlling pressure and temperature of the steam going into the biochamber- tricky to get right.
We've come up with a deceptively clever way around all of this...to keep the biocontainer dry and insulated and not have to hassle with steam pressure or temperature, we simply put the entire biocontainer inside of the boiling chamber!!
Quite different than simply chucking the biomass into the same vessel as the boiling water, we build an entirely separate housing inside of the boiling chamber, and then put the biomass in that 'inner' housing.
It makes sense... this way the entire biocontainer is surrounded inside and out by 100 degree steam- Thus the entire system works at exactly 100 degrees c, and the biocontainer stays dry because it cannot condense any water on it's walls.

We do not strip the forest. There is no roller chopping, skidding, or destruction on ouSEE OUR LABRATORY REPORTS ON PURITYr lands.

Compare our harvest to industrial witch hazel harvests.

We are fair trade:

Our harvesters make 50.00 or more a day and are paid by the lb not by the ton.

We use human and animal power to bring

fresh witch hazel herb out of the forest.